Please note that some of the dates below are only approximate
Hugh de Argentein 1140
Osto 1150
Richard de Hastyngs 1155 to 1164
Richard Mallebeench
Geoffrey Fitz Stephen 1180 to 1185
William de New(en)ham 1185
Thomas Berard 1200
Aymeric de St Maur 1200, 1205, 1215 [Magna Carta] and 1228
Alan Marcell 1220 and 1228
Amberaldus 1229
Robert Mounford 1234
Robert Sa(u)nford(e) 1231 to 1247
Rocelin de Fosse 1250 to 1253
Amadeus de Morestello 1254 to 1259
Ambesard 1264
Humbert de Pairaud 1267 to 1269
Guy de Foresta 1273 to 1274
William de Beaulieu 1274
Thomas de Cantilupe A Provincial Grand Master [Canonised as Saint Thomas Cantilupe in 1320]
Robert de Turville 1276 to 1290
Guy de Foresta 1291 to 1295
James de Molay 1295 to 1297 [Martyred in Paris in 1314 - the last medieval Grand Master]
Brian le Jay 1297 to 1298
William de la More 1298 to 1314
Brother Gordon 1990 to 22 April 2014: Grand Prior of the Knights Templar (OSMTH) of Scotland.
Brother Brian 10 November 2012 to 2016: Prior of the Priory of Knights Templar (OSMTH) of Wales.
Brother Gordon 22 April 2014 to 2020:
Grand Prior General of the Knights Templar (OSMTH) of Great Britain.
Brother Brian 1 January 2016 to 16 August 2018:
Grand Prior of The Grand Priory of Knights Templar (OSMTH) of Wales.
Brother Brian 22 October 2016 to 16 August 2018:
Master of The Knights Templar (OSMTH) in Wales.
Interregnum 17 August 2018 to 5 April 2019.
Brother Graham 6 April 2019 to 6 July 2020:
Grand Prior of The Grand Priory of Knights Templar (OSMTH) of Wales.
Brother Graham 7 July 2020 to present:
Grand Prior of The Grand Priory of Knights Templar (OTJ/OSMTJ) of All Britain.
Grand Prior of The Grand Priory of Knights Templar (OTJ/OSMTJ) of Wales. Master of The Knights Templar (OTJ/OSMTJ) of All Britain - Wales. England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
NOTE: The modern Order was originally registered in Belgium in 1933 as the "Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem" (OTJ) - in English, the "Order of the Temple of Jerusalem" (OTJ). It was also known as the "Sovereign and Military Order of Jerusalem" (OSMTJ). However numerous spurious 'Orders' have used the OSMTJ designation, claiming to be legitimate Knights Templar. Consequently, in 2023, it was decided to re-register the Order, again in Belgium, under its original name "Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem" (OTJ). Grand Priories are permitted to retain the OSMTJ title or to use the revised OTJ one. The Grand Prior of All Britain decided to use the OTJ title and, in order to protect this name, he has also registered the "Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem" (OTJ) within the company law of England & Wales.

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