(Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
For the absolute avoidance of doubt we have NO connections whatsoever
with any Freemasonry or other Masonic organisation, British or Foreign.
In short we are NOT Freemasons.
[We would therefore suggest that any Freemason who might be interested in
becoming a Knight Templar should contact the national Freemason organisation
which we understand is based at Freemasons' Hall in London.]
[Note the design or use of the Banner above is very strictly Copyright and must not be copied under all and any circumstances whatsoever]
Welcome to the Grand Priory of All Britain,
including England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales,
of The Order of the Temple of Jerusalem
"Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem" [OTJ)
Registered in Belgium 1932 and 2023
Registered in England and Wales 2024
otherwise known as the Knights Templar.
This website can be found at www.knightstemplar-wales.org
We are entirely a Christian and chivalric organisation. Our primary aim is to bring together like-minded Christian women and men who are personally committed to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and try to live in positive response to His prayer to the Father, as recorded in St John's Gospel (Chapter 17, verses 20-21):
"That they may be all be one : so that the world will believe that You sent me."
We hope that these pages will be of interest to the Knights and Dames of the Order (both local and international) and to the general reader who may find them.
Please read the next page - 'About Us' - for much more detailed information.
In summary, we are the only officially and internationally recognised Grand Priory of All Britain, operating throughout the whole of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, within The Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OTJ). Throughout the world
there are other Priories and Grand Priories of this Order and together we have a global membership running into thousands of Christian men and women.
The Order also appears under its previously unregistered name as the Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem (OSMTJ) and, unfortunately, this can cause some confusion and for this reason we are trying to maximise use of the registered name.
However, many 'other' groups using such titles as the 'Grand Priory of England and Wales'; the 'Grand Priory of England [OSMTH or OSMTH-Paris]'; 'OSMTJ Grand Priory of England and Wales'; 'Knights Templar of Great Britain'; 'Knights Templar International' [legal title 'Knights Templar International Novus Ordo Militiae Limited']; Knights Templar UK'; the 'Grand Priory of Great Britain'; the 'Grand Priory of the United Kingdom'; and many similar variations do not represent and are not to be confused with us. We have no connections with them. So beware!!!
Sadly some so-called 'Templar' groups (especially those found on the Internet, Facebook and other social media platforms) are not even remotely connected with we true Templars but are merely recruiting organisations for political or other ideologies, whilst others may be 'breakaway' groups which have left the mainstream of the Templars, and still others are completely self-made groups posing as Knights Templar. Unfortunately many of these groups are merely fund-raising for their self-appointed leaders even though they may offer some sort of 'document' or the like, pretending that an applicant has joined the real Knights Templar. In contrast we are quite open about our aims and objectives and about any costs involved in joining. Further, our Investiture events in particular are always open for anyone to attend. They are usually advertised on this website well in advance and therefore, especially for anyone who might be thinking of applying to join us, s/he could always come along and meet us.
Pages on this website are regularly updated - about once a month and usually more
frequently - and we always have a lot of material and information for
members of the public to read. In contrast some so-called Templar
websites are rarely updated or, indeed, completely static.
Meanwhile, please note that we are NOT a political organisation and we have no connections whatsoever with any political organisation or political party. Similarly we are not a Re-enactor group.
Equally, we have NO connections whatsoever with any Freemasonry or other Masonic organisation, British or Foreign.
We do not 'recruit' to any such organisations under any circumstances.
As a matter of policy we do not have any sort of social media presence, especially with the insecure links of Facebook (Meta), Instagram, Twitter etc etc. Consequently no connections nor reliable information about us can be obtained via such media. If anyone does want to contact us it is very easily achieved via our 'Contact Page' on the menu opposite.
Obviously we are not connected in any way whatsoever with a Mexican 'drugs cartel' who adopted the name 'Knights Templar' a few years ago!Please note that we NEVER respond to any enquiry about joining us unless the enquirer is prepared to state where they live AND is willing to meet or speak in person or on the telephone with either the Grand Prior or a senior officer.
Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem
The Order celebrates the
900+ years since its foundation in
Jerusalem in 1118

Grand Master of the Order, General Ronald Mangum [US Army (Retd)]

The Welsh Knights Templar Banner designed by our then Grand Chaplain-General - now Grand Prior
[Registered Copyright]
The Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OTJ)
All Britain Knights Templar Arms and Banner designed by the Grand Prior
[Registered Copyright]

see website Contact Us