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Grand Master's Easter Message

Brothers and Sisters of our noble Order, this is the first of two Easter messages that I will write, today for those who follow the Latin rite and in a month for those who follow the Orthodox rite.

The Resurrection of Christ is the basis of our Christian Faith.  It is the greatest of the miracles, because it proves that Jesus is God.  As St. Paul writes: “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain; and your Faith is in vain” (I Cor 15:14).

“Jesus is Lord, He is risen” (Rom 10:9), was the central theme of the preaching of the Apostles.  We are saved because Jesus, at the moment when everybody left him and the world condemned him Jesus says, “Father, you must forgive them,” and the Father forgives them.

Who we really are, we are the children of God, and we are the heirs of heaven.  It is the Risen Jesus Christ and only He who makes us holy and wise.  It is the Risen Jesus Christ who grants us peace.  It is He who gives Himself to us in the Eucharist.

He forgives our sins as we confess them and speaks to us through the Sacred Scriptures and traditions of His Holy Church.


The OTJ/OSMTJ Grand Master is Brigadier General Ronald Scott Mangum PhD JD [US Army (Retd)]:

General Mangum



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