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Latest InvestitureS

9 JUNE 2023

Our most recent Investiture was at Brecon Cathedral on Friday 9 June 2023

In addition to the Investitures of new members we were presented with a Processional Cross which had been made for us by our Membership Secretary who is also a master craftsman in both wood and metal.  The cross was inspired by a stained glass window on the south side of the Lady Chapel at Hereford Cathedral which depicts Jesus carrying a green cross:

OTJ - Green Cross window

OTJ - Brecon - Green Cross 2
Membership Secretary and Grand Prior with our new Green Processional Cross

OTJ - Investiture - Brecon - 9 June 2023 - 1

OTJ - Investiture - Brecon - 9 June 2023 - 2


8 OCTOBER 2022

Our previous Investiture was at the Parish Church of St Michael & All Angels,
Llantarnam, South Wales on Saturday afternoon, 8 October 2022.

OSMTJ - 08102022 - Front Cover.jpg
Front cover of the Order of Service

Church in Wales - Flag
Flag of the Church in Wales (Anglican)

 Llantarnam - CWGC  Llantarnam - 8 October 2022 - Church  Llantarnam - VC grave

     Guardsman P Morgan           Parish Church of St Michael & All Angels, Llantarnam        Private John Fielding Williams VC

 Llantarnam - Painting of a Knight
   Painting by Danielle

Llantarnam - Grand Prior      Llantarnam - Altar  Flag
 The Grand Prior                                        The Flag of the Grand Priory of Wales

OSMTJ - 08102022 - Declaration.jpg
Page 6 of the Order of Service

Llantarnam - Group
Some of the Knights and Dames in attendance

OSMTJ - 08102022 - National Anthem.jpg
Page 22 of the Order of Service

OSMTJ - All Britain arms  logo - Copyright
The original banner design


Saturday 9 October 2021


We were privileged to visit this beautiful Norman Church where one of our Chaplains is currently based as part of his training for ordination in the Church in Wales (Anglican).  Two new members were also Invested on this occasion and we are delighted to have them join us to complete three Investitures in the last twelve months, in spite of the Covid-19 restrictions.  

St Catwgs - 091021 - outside

St Catwg's Church, Gelligaer, Caerphilly, South Wales

OSMTJ - St Catwgs - Group

The new members are Chevalier Micheal (back row, second from right) and Dame Sandra (front row, second from right).

St Catwgs - Chancellor  Fr Gary         St Catwgs - Grand Prior  Fr Gary

         Chancellor Adam & Fr. Gary                           Grand Prior Graham & Fr. Gary

St Catwgs - Window 3       St Catwgs - Window 2      St Catwgs - Window 1  

Stained Glass Windows in St Catwg's Church

    St Catwgs - Children     St Catwgs - Window 4b - Sword    St Catwgs - Window 4a - Whole

Children with the Grand Prior's Sword         Sword in Stained Glass (Latin: Gl
adius)       Whole Window

OSMTJ - St Catwgs - War Memorial - All OSMTJ - St Catwgs - Pulpit Crucifix OSMTJ - St Catwgs - War Memorial - Individual


                   World War I                                          Jesus Christ                        Major John McMurtrie

                                                   OSMTJ - St Catwgs - Mothers Union Banner

                                                            The Mothers' Union Banner


Saturday 19 June 2021


Newport 2021 - General View of Congregation

Some of those attendng

OSMTJ - Newport 21 - The Setting
The Setting

OSMTJ - Newport 21 - Remembering Chevalier Richard

Remembering the late Chevalier Richard

The stand displayed Richard's photograph taken at his last appearance on duty at our Investiture in October 2021 at Hereford Cathedral, with the Grand Master's brevet
appointing Richard to the rank of Knight Grand Cross.
Alongside is an empty sword scabbard to symbolise the conclusion of this Knight's pilgrimage.

The knights are dust,
Their swords are rust.
They're with the Lord
We trust.


OSMTJ - Newport 21 - Four of the Candidates

The first four Candidates standing ready to be Invested



 OSMTJ - Newport 21 - John  OSMTJ - Newport 21 - Ashley

                                             Chevalier John                                                                   Chevalier Ashley

    OSMTJ - Newport 21 - Dame Lady   OSMTJ - Newport 21 - Dame Elizabeth
                                             Dame Lady                                                                         Dame Elizabeth

      OSMTJ - Newport 21 - Chevalier Stephen   OSMTJ - Newport 21 - Starting young?
                                         Chevalier Stephen                                                                Starting young?

                                                                                               KT - Cross 


Saturday 3 October 2020


Hereford - Investiture Group - 3 October 20200

Hereford - Investiture - p1

Hereford - St Thomas - Lady Chapel

St Thomas Cantilupe
Lady Chapel

Hereford - Investiture - p2

Hereford - Investiture - p3

Hereford - Investiture - p19

Hereford - Investiture - p20

Hereford - Investees 2020
Three new members - Mark, Tony and Darren - were invested as Knights in the Order in person
and one member from south Wales - John - was invested in absentia.

Hereford - Investiture - p21

Hereford - Investiture - p22

Hereford - Investiture - p23

Hereford - Investiture - p34



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