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Membership Application

Detailed information about joining can be obtained by completing the Contact Us form which can be found in menu on the left - but please read the rest of this page ........

We are open for applications to join us and we are pleased to welcome Christian men and women to join this ancient chivalric order.  If you are interested in knowing what membership means in practical terms, please feel free to enquire without any obligation to go further.  

BUT please note that we NEVER respond to any enquiry which does not state where the enquirer resides.  In short DO NOT enquire unless you are willing to say where you live.

Please also note however that we NEVER send out Application Forms to join to anyone until AFTER a conversation in person or by telephone with either the Grand Prior or a senior officer.  

Please also note that later we require to see TWO positive identification documents from all applicants in the form of a colour photocopy of the page(s) which show your photograph in all current passports held, a colour photocopy of a current driving licence or at least one recent utility bill.

Any person considering applying for Membership of The Grand Priory of All Britain (including The Grand Priory of Wales or The Grand Priory of England or our newer  groups in Northern Ireland or Scotland) of this Order is required to sign a formal PETITION to The Grand Prior in which s/he is asked to confirm that s/he has read and accepted the latest Statutes which can be found on the menu opposite.

So if you are a resident anywhere in the British Isles (excluding the Republic of Ireland) and are interested in becoming a Knight Templar and joining this Order please feel free to contact us.


 Arms of the Order

Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem (OTJ)


Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem

 OTJ - All Britain logo
"To see and not to act is not to see"

    Crowned Cross


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